Achievements And Activities BBA

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Achievements Activities

Department of Bachelor of Business Administration

Achievements :


 Seminars, workshop & webinars

  1.     FDP on " Development ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship"

  2.     Workshop on Human resource skills workshop




Dr. Sapna Tyagi

  1.     Journals, seminars, workshop & conferences

  2.   "Library progress international" topic - Re-engineering of Library in degital environment, pp. 325-331, vol. 38 no. 02 July to Dec 2018

  3.    Journal: "Professional Journal of Library & Information Technology: the Bi-Annual Refereed Journal of Library & Information Technology" Topic- Role of Information & Communication Technology in Libraries; pp. 128-132, vol. 7 no.2, Jul to Dec.-2017

  4.    Presenting paper in national conference on “libraries and information services: emerging digital trends”

  5.    Attended the T10KL workshop in ‘koha and library automation'

  6.    Attended one-day national seminar on ‘ Role of libraries in socio-cultural & economic development : An emerging perspective ’   Attended one-day seminar on ‘role of information professionals in disseminating knowledge to user community in 21st century '


Ms. Ankita Balodi

  1.   Having certificate of participation with A+ grade in ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODOLOGY- Two week interdisciplinary refresher course RAMANUJAN COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI.
  2.   Having Certificate of participation with A+ grade in RESEARCH DESIGN AND RESEARCH METHOD - one week interdisciplinary refresher course RAMANUJAN COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF DELHI.
  3.   Attended annual international commerce conference on ORGANIZATIONAL REALITIES CHANGING PARADIGM OF HR by Dept. of commerce, faculty of commerce and business, Delhi school of economics, university of Delhi [Jan 2020]
  4.   Having a certificate of appreciation for the participation of seminar on YOUTH ENTERPRENEURSHIP CONCLAVE by entrepreneurship facilitation Centre (EFC) [March 2019]
  5.   Having a letter of appreciation for two days awareness workshop on OPPORTUNITIES OF SELF EMPLOYMENT under digital India initiative, GOI by SOL University of Delhi [Aug 2019]
  6.   Attended a webinar on “INDIAN ECONOMY POST COVID-19” organized by Dept. of commerce, Rajdhani college- University of Delhi.
  7.   Attended six days webinar on “HOW TO BECOME A SUCESSFUL ENTERPRENEUR-ATAMNIRBHAR” organized by SOL university of Delhi.
  8.   Participated in webinar on “ENVISIONING OPPORTUNITIES AND MANAGING FINANCE : THE ROAD AHEAD” organized by URJA – Commerce Dept. Shri Guru Gobind Singh college of commerce , university of Delhi.
  9.   Participated in 2days virtual conference  on FUTURE OF ADR IN PRE AND POST PANDEMIC ERA organized by  legal desire media and insights .



  • Student learning and growth mapping
  • Guest Lectures from Industry Experts
  • Student Panel Discussions
  • Peer Learning opportunities
  • Well Rounded Curriculum
  • Management Quizzes
  • Communication Skill development and Training
  • Unveiling Leadership secrets


PO1- Students will exhibit understanding of broad business concepts and principles.

PO-2 Students will exhibit critical thinking skills to address diverse business challenges and opportunities.

PO3- Students will demonstrate use of appropriate techniques to effectively manage business challenges.

PO4- Students will be able to effectively communicate management concepts, plans and decisions in oral presentations.

PO5- Students will demonstrate professional conduct within any team activities.


PSO1- Demonstrate strategic and proactive thinking towards business decision making.

PSO2- Apply reflective thinking and research skills using latest technology tools.

PSO3- Apply knowledge of management theories and practices to solve business problems.

PSO4- Ability to develop value based leadership ability.



Activities :

  • Industrial visits
  • Seminar
  • Expert talk
  • Webinar
  • Training program
  • Soft skills development courses
  • Management quizzes
  • Business Plan Development
  • Case study Development and Analysis
  • Internship Programs