Action Plan

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Action Plan

1. Collection of feedback from the students and analysing the same.
2. Preparation of Annual Report
3. Screening and Evaluation of applications for promotions under CAS
4. Upgrading the college website

1. Upgradation of college Website
2. Organise Faculty Development Programme in collaboration with ICT Academy, New Delhi.
3. Preparation of Annual Report
4. Initiate Green Audit of the campus
5. Academic Audit to be undertaken through collection of feedback from the students and the analysis shared with the concerned departments
6. Campus to be made free of plastics
7. Screening and evaluation of applications for promotions under CAS.

1. Collection of feedback from the students and analysis of the same
2. Preparation of Annual Report
3. Screening and Evaluation of applications for promotions under CAS
4. Develop a repository for Blended Learning
5. Feedback from Students to be collected online
6. Faculty members will be motivated to publish their research output and apply for grants.

1. Collection of feedback from the students and analysis of the same
2. Preparation of Annual Report
3. Screening and Evaluation of applications for promotions under CAS, including Academic Level 14 (Professors)
4. Mentoring services to be provided to PG students.
5. Faculty members will be motivated to publish their research output and apply for grants.
6. Faculty members to be trained on Intellectual Property Rights
7. Azadi ka Amit Mahotsav and G20 Summit to be celebrated in the college.